Cloud Development

Developing cloud native applictions is a process of designing a cloud ready architecture, planning infrastructure with a proper bandwith, delivery models and recovery plans. Additionally the cloud application design must consider managed and distributed services to create resilient and scalable products.

Start your cloud journey

Many roads lead to cloud

A lot of software runs in data center on company’s own premises and create value. Sometimes the design from scratch is the best option to get the most benefit from the cloud. Especially if the workload is highly optimized for it’s current platform like a mainframe. Otherwise there is lot’s of well architected software that can be moved with minor adaptions to the cloud. With experience in all three possibilities we’re a perfect partner for your cloud adoption.

Design from scratch

Start your cloud journey on the drawing board

If it’s decided to start the development on the drawing board, we offer you a complete package:

  • Well architected application for cloud usage, considering resilent design, flexible scaling and cost
  • The right tool for the job. May it be docker, serverless, key-value stores or streams, we find the most suiting service. Sometimes it’s a well established services like PostgreSQL or VM’s
  • We use modern frameworks like Quarkus, Spring or JakartaEE with that provide cloud native support. We don’t reinvent the wheel, we appreciate open source.

Migrate from Mainframe

Less Websphere, CICS and JCL, more Kubernetes

Migrate a workload from the mainframe in the cloud is a complex procedure. Our experience can makes the difference:

  • Reference solutions for application running on traditional Websphere on z/OS to Open liberty™ running on kubernetes.
  • Best practises for a secure and cost optimized data replication and conversion process (MVS, USS) to enable cloud development.
  • Architectural best practises for a mainframe & cloud side by side operation for a seamless migration. This covers both secure infrastructure and resilient application design on both sides.

Cloudify Java Apps

Containerization ins’t enough for a sucessful migration

Out of several critical applications we migrated we follow a holistic approach instead of a simple “Lift and shift”:

  • Analyzing the application design is key to identify it’s cloud capability. Often the application has proper design for it’s current runtime, but it would fail in a cloud environment. Hence we offer a lean cloud readiness assesment upfront.
  • Migration of the application to a container optimized runtime like Open liberty™ or Spring Boot for proper application lifecycle management and resource efficient use.
  • Use of modern design patterns like “Anti-corruption layer” or the “Strangler Fig” pattern for a zero downtime migration from on premise to cloud.

Start your cloud journey today

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