Our four key pillars for your success

With a good mix of experience and passion for technology and software architecture we consult, develop and train customers to help their business grow.
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Cloud Development

Tailor-made software paired with a cloud native and end to end mindset is what we do, if a standard solution doesn’t suite the use case.

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An application design which scales on the underlying infrastructure and has proper monitoring and alerting is what we want. You built it - you run it!

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Adopting cloud can be challenging and demanding. Hands on experience paired with a birds view on your goals is our consulting approach.

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If it’s during a cloud adoption process or after a successful cloud migration, there is always the need to train people. Our charming and experienced trainers are prepared.

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AI-Empowered Expertise - Redefining Efficiency and Quality

Experience with all the tools your teams love using

By using widely accepted and used tools we leverage existing solutions and don’t reinvent the wheel. That approach creates value for our customer and creates a solid foundation for further development.

Kubernetes - Production-Grade Container Orchestration
AWS - Amazon Web Services
Docker - Container Engine
Prometheus - From metrics to insight
Grafana - Your observability stack
JakartaEE - Building an open source ecosystem for cloud native enterprise Java
MicroProfile - Optimizing Enterprise Java for a Microservices Architecture
Spring - Enterprise Java
GitHub - Let's build from here
Terraform - Automate Infrastructure on Any Cloud
Red Hat® OpenShift® - An enterprise-ready Kubernetes container platform
Quarkus - A Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for OpenJDK HotSpot and GraalVM
HELM - The package manager for Kubernetes
Kong - API Gateway and Service Connectivity Platform
Harbor - An open source registry
DATADOG - Modern monitoring & security
Apache Kafka - Distributed event streaming platform
Argo CD - Declarative GitOps CD for Kubernetes
Kustomize - Kubernetes native configuration management

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Ready to get started?

Your are already on a cloud adoption journey for your application landscape and you're looking for expierienced developer to speed thinks up?

Are you planning to move workloads from your dusty mainframe and need guidance how to do it?

We're prepared to support you! Don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Contact Us